
Grafana can be integrated on different level within Wizata app

Data source

Wizata time-series database can be used as a source of data for your Grafana. To configure it, please contact your system administrator to install Influx DB plugin on Grafana and configure properly to connect to Influx DB within Wizata.


In addition, you may integrate your Grafana environment within Wizata.

This integration will allow you:

  • To show Grafana dashboard within Wizata Digital Twin
  • To generate Grafana dashboard and panel from a pipeline
  • To replicate and sync your Grafana dashboard on solution templates

To enable the integration you need to configure an API key with Editor permissions within your Grafana environment and setup the custom.ini file:



folder_uid is optional, it allows you to set in which folder dashboard generated by Wizata app are stored within Grafana.


Once configured properly, you can access to the Grafana API from within your script code as the following :

def your_script(context: wizata_dsapi.Context):"applications")


Wizata use the grafana-client==3.5.0

For more information: Pypi: Grafana-client and Grafana: http_api