Creating a dashboard
Dashboards provide a versatile way for users to engage with AI-driven insights, covering areas such as production optimization, quality management, and downtime reduction. As mentioned in the Control Panel introductory section , the platform supports various dashboard types for monitoring and visualization, including native options, third-party Grafana integrations, and embedded iFrame, offering flexibility in how data is presented and utilized.
Dashboard creation
To create a new dashboard we will click on the +, or click add on the overview section. We will start by the Dashboard
A new window will prompt to request necessary information for the dashboard creation:
- Name: The title that will be displayed on the dashboard tab header.
- Template: Optional field if the dashboard needs to be attached with a replicable solution.
- Label: Business category to place the dashboard at correct position on left bar.
- Global: The dashboard is made global by default, unchecking the box makes it personal.
Once saved, the application redirects to the newly created dashboard, which will be empty by default until some modifications are made.
Dashboard widgets
Edit mode
By default, when accessing a dashboard, the dashboard will always be in viewing mode.
In order to allow editing a dashboard, users must enable edition mode to allow creation and configuration of widgets. To enable edition, click on the arrow next to the dashboard name and click on Enter Edit Mode.
The active edit mode can be recognized with 2 items:
- A squared Stop button will appear in the dashboards bar, clicking on it will save the dashboard and return to viewing mode.
- A panel appears on the right side with options to edit dashboard (Properties) and to add widgets (Widgets)
Widget creation
To add new widgets, click on the right panel Widgets button and select which type of widget to be created.
Clicking on a widget type will automatically create a new widget of selected type below the existing ones.
Move and resize
To move a widget, click and hold on the title bar of the widget, and slide it to the desired position on the dashboard. Release the mouse button to release the widget.
To resize a widget, click and hold at the bottom right of the widget and stretch/squeeze horizontally and vertically. Release the mouse button to fix the widget size to the desired shape.
To edit the content of the widget, press ⋯ on top-right corner and click on Settings.
Each type of widget has its specific configuration menu based on the type of information to be displayed. More information on how to configure each type of widget is presented in the next pages.
Updated 20 days ago