Iframe embedding
In addition to creating native and Grafana dashboards, the platform also offers the ability to embed external content using an Iframe component.
An Iframe (Inline Frame) component allows you to embed external webpages or applications directly into the platform's dashboards. This feature enables the integration of web-based tools, external data visualizations, or other URL-accessible resources.
Common use cases for Iframe components include embedding PowerBI reports for key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), and Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).
Creating the component in the platform
Similar to the process described on native dashboards article, you can create an Iframe component by navigating to the Control Panel and clicking on the + icon. In the required form, simply add the Iframe URL.

Ensure that you copy the Iframe URL , not the HTML embed code from your Iframe solution.
For instructions on retrieving the Iframe URL from a PowerBI report, refer to Microsoft's official documentation article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-embed-secure
As an example, we have created a PowerBI report showcasing simple data visualizations based on the sample dataset from motor bearings, which calculates common descriptive statistics and critical values.
Once you paste the Iframe URL from PowerBI into the component form and click Save, the Iframe solution will be rendered within the platform's Control Panel as a component:

This solution can be extended to integrate a wide variety of applications that support Iframe exports.
Updated 2 months ago